This award recognizes doctoral students and junior faculty members with outstanding scholarship in the areas of racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity in social work education. Two awards will be given to doctoral students or junior faculty members (faculty members who have completed a doctorate within the last 7 years). Click here for more information.
The award recognizes scholarship that contributes to knowledge about sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; the individual and systemic issues associated with these topics; the development of social work curriculum materials and faculty growth opportunities relevant to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression; and the experiences of individuals who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and/or two-spirit. Click here for more information.
Disability Manuscript Award |
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Council on Disability and Person with Disabilities (CDPD)
This award recognizes scholarship that contributes to knowledge about disability; full participation of persons with disabilities; social, political, and economic issues related to disability and persons with disabilities; and social work education curriculum materials focused on disability and persons with disabilities. Click here for more information.
Feminist Manuscript Award |
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Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education (CORSW)
This award recognizes the work of scholars who have a deep understanding of feminism in relation to social work theory, research, practice, policy, and education. Click here for more information.
Partners in Advancing International Education Award (Individual) |
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Partners in Advancing International Education Award (Organization) |
Partners in Advancing International Education Award (Student) |
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Commission on Global Social Work Education (CGSW)
This award honors the contribution of social work faculty members, social work students (BSW, MSW, or PhD), and organizations as partners in advancing education for international social work. The PIE Awards are given in recognition of conceptual, curricular, and programmatic innovations in education for international social work. Click here for more information
SAGE/CSWE Award for Innovative Teaching in Social Work Education |
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This award was established to honor, recognize, and promote innovative teaching in social work by highlighting it as it emerges and recognizing individuals who have played significant roles in bringing it about. Click here for more information.
SAGE/CSWE Commission on Research Faculty Award for Innovation in Research Instruction |
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Commission on Research (COR)
This award was established to honor, recognize, and promote innovative teaching in social work research methods by highlighting it as it emerges and recognizing individuals who have played significant roles in bringing it about. Click here for more information.