2017 APM Accepted Presenter Compliance Policy
- Each individual listed on the proposal must be in attendance at the 2017 APM
- Each individual listed on the proposal must be registered and paid-in full by Friday, June 2, 2017
- Individuals who do not comply with the above items by the June 2 deadline will be removed from the proposal and the 2017 APM Final Program and Mobile App
NOTE: Please DO NOT list individuals on a proposal that cannot attend the 2017 APM, and/or that do not understand the above requirements for presenters.
Prefer to mail or fax your registration? Download the 2017 APM Registration Form.
Presenter roles
- You can only be primary presenter on one proposal – this includes all types/formats for peer-reviewed and invited proposals
- You can only be listed on a maximum of three proposals
- You must be in attendance at the 2017 APM to be listed in the Final program and/or Mobile App
- Only the primary presenter can withdraw an accepted proposal from the APM
- February 22, 2017 was the last day to add or replace presenters on any proposal
Presenter Availability
All presenters must be available to present at any time on Friday – Sunday, October 20-22, 2017. CSWE cannot accept any special requests for presentation dates/times.
Session Schedule
- Preconference Workshops
Thursday, October 19, 2017 9:00 am-4:30 pm
- Education Sessions*
Friday, October 20: 7:30 am-5:00 pm
Saturday, October 21 7:30 am-5:00 pm
Sunday, October 22: 8:00 am-11:30 am
*One third of each track’s accepted proposals will be held on each day Friday– Sunday.