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NEW! KAKI Disaster Management Panel at 2011 ICSD Conference

CSWE membership was well-represented at the17th biennial International Consortium for Social Development, held January 3-7, 2011, in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Katherine A. Kendall Institute held a session on disaster management, titled "Empowerment and Sustainable Development in the Aftermath of Disaster," which included three unique presentations. The first presentation, by Mioara Diaconu from Andrews University, was titled "Haiti: Sustainable Recovery and Rebuilding." The presentation provided a historical context for the current situation in Haiti; an assessment of postearthquake recovery efforts; and it examined various aspects of sustainability including environmental, sociopolitical, and economic sustainability that are important to recovery efforts. The second presentation, "Social Network and Citizen Participation in Disaster Management," by DeBrenna Agbenyiga from Michigan State University, discussed the importance of social support networks within communities and the correlations between social capital and casualties in disasters. Carol Cohen of Adelphi University presented the third presentation, "Group Work’s Place in Disaster Response: Principles for International Practice." This presentation explored the emergence of group work in postdisaster recovery and how it can be used to empower those affected by disaster. These presentations will be available soon for access from the Katherine A. Kendall Institute page of the CSWE website.