2021 Grantees
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) is pleased to announce the grantees for the sixth cycle of the Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education grant program. Grantees were selected based on their innovative projects that demonstrated sustainability, transferability, and potential to advance the field of international social work education.
This year's grantees and projects are as follows:
Boston College
Interdisciplinary Certificate in Humanitarian Assistance: Gender-Based Violence
Project Lead: Thomas Crea
This project seeks to develop an innovative online interdisciplinary certificate in humanitarian assistance and create a module on gender-based violence with the hopes of preparing students for effective global work in the humanitarian aid and development sectors.
California State University, Stanislaus
Cultivating Cultural Awareness and Global Consciousness Through Internationalization and Decolonization of Social Work Curriculum
Project lead: Sevaughn Banks
This project aims to bring global context into U.S. social work classrooms through the development of international social work education materials and curricula–case studies, virtual tours, and virtual learning communities.
Southern Illinois University
Virtual Reality Training and Education for Global Social Work Practice
Project lead: Elaine T. Jurkowski
The project seeks to expose social work and other students to cultural global social work practice and enhance cultural relevance of social work education using virtual reality technology.
State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Global Social Action Consortium
Project lead: Julie Richards
This project employs a three-tiered approach to strengthen and relocate international social work education and practice that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and empowerment in the social work curriculum.
University of Michigan
Dialogues Between Global North and Global South
Project lead: Cristina B. Bares
This project seeks to increase cultural competence and intergroup dialogue among graduate students in two institutions—one from the United States, the other from India— through cross exposure to instructors, fellow graduate students, and locally relevant knowledge.