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About Public Policy Initiative


Through its Public Policy Initiative, CSWE strives to promote the value of social work education on the national stage. With the help of its membership, CSWE advocates for issues important to social work education by interacting with the U.S. Congress, the various agencies within the federal government, and other organizations throughout the social work and higher education communities. CSWE's Public Policy Initiative seeks to enhance social work education and the profession through developing and implementing thoughtful public policy that is focused on providing the very best education, training, and financial assistance for social workers. It addresses the educational needs associated with fostering a sustainable and competent social work workforce. 

View the CSWE Advocacy Handbook here

A Reliable Resource

CSWE’s Public Policy Initiative keeps its members and the public informed about the latest policy developments affecting social work educators, students, and practitioners. It can serve as a reliable, regular resource for understanding and navigating how the nuances of policy change can affect their lives. Contact CSWE's government relations staff.

CSWE Advocacy and Policy Resources

CSWE developed the following sets of principles to help guide its activities. These working documents were written to inform policymakers in a way that represents its membership and the community served by social workers.