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Site Visitor Training

No new site visitors will be trained to serve as site visitors under the 2015 EPAS. Site visitor training information under the 2022 EPAS will be posted here once the 2022 EPAS has been implemented.  A link to a recording of the site visitor training will also be available on-demand for any current site visitors seeking retraining.  

Becoming a Certified Site Visitor

All site visitors must be trained by the Department of Social Work Accreditation staff on the current set of EPAS.

Requirements for registering for training

  • To become a certified site visitor an individual must be a current full- or part-time social work faculty member at a CSWE-accredited social work program. Retired or emeritus social work faculty may continue as site visitors for up to three years after retirement.
  • Provide a letter of recommendation from that program’s chief administrator supporting the applicant’s volunteer service to the CSWE Commission on Accreditation (COA) and the time commitment that is required of applicant’s service as a site visitor.
  • Maintain current individual CSWE membership.
  • Have a minimum of three years of teaching experience at a CSWE-accredited social work program, as documented in the applicant’s curriculum vitae.
  • Commit to conducting at least one site visit per academic year; site visits span 1-2 days and require travel.
  • Participate in a refresher training at the request of the Executive Director of Accreditation.
  • Participate in updated training whenever new standards are developed.

Site Visitor Expectations

Once the volunteer site visitor has completed the training and passed a brief post-test administered at the end of the training, we ask that site visitors:

  • Advise the Site Visit Coordinator of any conflicts of interest, as explained in training, when contacted concerning availability for a visit.
  • Know the accreditation standards well. Familiarize yourself with the current EPAS and companion Interpretation Guide;
  • Be the “eyes and ears” of the Commission on Accreditation (COA) by objectively collecting clarifying information;
  • On a visit: ask only the questions that are within the COA’s Letter of Instruction (LOI), without advising programs, providing opinions, or commenting during the visit or in site visit report about the program’s compliance or non-compliance with any standard;
  • Submit reports within two weeks of the conclusion of the visit;
  • Re-write reports at the request of the specialist if the report needs clarification; if standards have not been addressed; or if the report contains opinions, or subjective judgements, or statements about compliance with standards.

Once you are ready to make this commitment according to the requirements above, send the required documentation for entry into training to CSWE's Volunteer Coordinator

Site VIsitor Retraining

Audio-Only File of 2021 Site Visitor Training
PowerPoint of 2021 Site Visitor Training