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2018–2019 Strategic Planning Process

The CSWE Strategic Planning Committee was charged with the following tasks to develop a strategy to guide CSWE from 2020 to 2022;

  • Build on the work of the Futures Task Force and other recent CSWE planning and research efforts
  • Translate these visioning and planning efforts into goals and objectives that will guide the long-term work of CSWE and priority outcomes for the next 3+ years
  • Engage CSWE’s members and staff in shaping the future strategy and plans for the organization
  • Create alignment among CSWE leadership on key priorities for the association and agreement on the resource investments needed to achieve these priorities

The strategy was developed in two phases.


*SMART is an acronym for criteria used to set objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-specific.


March 2018: The CSWE Board of Directors tasked the Board’s strategic planning committee with leading a strategic planning process for the organization.
April 2018: The CSWE Futures Task Force released its report, “Envisioning the Future of Social Work,” which served as preparation for the more traditional strategic planning effort.
Summer 2018: The Strategic Planning Committee convened to kick off the strategic planning process. It reviewed existing sources of research and information and conducted additional research, including a survey of Board and staff members.
Fall 2018: The Strategic Planning Committee identified strategic goals and potential objectives. The drafted framework was presented to the Board and membership at 2018 Annual Program Meeting (APM) for affirmation and input.

Winter 2018–2019: The Strategic Planning Committee refined the framework and the began developing the outcomes that will advance the goals and objectives over the next 3 years.

Spring 2019: During Spring Governance, commissioners and CSWE staff provided feedback on the framework and brainstromed specific outcomes, then the Board met for a strategic planning session. During their session, the Board unanimously approved the stragetic framework and will continue to develop and prioritze potential outcomes.

Fall 2019: The Board took action on the plan and worked with staff to develop workplans and budgets. The plan was presented to CSWE membership and the public at the 2019 APM.