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CSWE Full Circle Submission Guidelines

CSWE has both general and section-specific editorial guidelines in order to present information in a streamlined manner that is user-friendly to its members. CSWE reserves the right to edit or decide not to publish any item; it does not upload documents from external parties to its website; rather, a URL link is required.

  • Headers must be seven words or fewer.
  • Items consist of a one sentence lead, followed by another sentence that includes an URL link to a source that provides further information. Full Circle serves as a navigational tool for readers; actual content is on the CSWE website.

Submit to

Members in the News

Being featured in Members in the News is exclusively available to a BSW or MSW that is a program member or a person with an active individual CSWE membership. Section submissions should consist of a header, two sentences that summarize the accomplishments of an individual with CSWE individual membership (appointment, grant receipt, research activities, etc.), and a URL link to the full story. The individual’s employer affiliation should appear in parentheses to the right of the name.

Please note that activation of CSWE membership could take up to 7 business days.

Submit to:


CSWE objectively lists books, journals, e-resources, or other materials related to social work or higher education that could serve as a resource to its members. CSWE does not promote sales or coupons for products.

This section's submissions should consist of a header, two sentences that provide an overview of the resource, and a URL link for further information. Any testimonials should be featured on the URL provided and not contained within the submission itself.  

Submit to:

Opportunities for Members

CSWE regularly features funding opportunities, calls for proposals, seminars/courses, and other professional development opportunities relevant to its members through the Opportunities for Members section. Submissions should consist of a header, two sentences with a linking URL, and should list:

  • The type of opportunity (for example, grant, fellowship, call for conference proposals)
  • The individuals or institutions eligible for the opportunity (for example, researchers, students, schools/colleges/departments of social work)
  • The deadlines or general requirements that could determine member interest, and
  • A URL for further information.  

Submit to:

Event Calendar

CSWE updates its master external events calendar monthly when Full Circle is distributed to alert its members to upcoming conferences related to higher education or social work. Section submissions should include:

  • Official name of conference
  • Hosting organization/company
  • City and state
  • Dates
  • Event URL

Submit to:

2018 Content Deadlines

Content Due: Tuesday, January 9
Content Due: Tuesday, February 6
Content Due: Tuesday, March 6
Content Due: Tuesday, April 10
Content Due: Tuesday, May 8
Content Due: Tuesday, June 12
Content Due: Tuesday, July 10
Content Due: Tuesday, August 7
Content Due: Tuesday, September 11
Content Due: Tuesday, October 9
Content Due: Tuesday, November 6
Content Due: Tuesday, December 11