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CSWE Gero-Ed Center

APM Panel—Training HPPAE Students in Health Care Settings: Looking Back and Moving Forward

As part of the 2014 Gero-Ed Track, the Gero-Ed Center is pleased to host the panel, Training HPPAE Students in Health Care Settings: Looking Back and Moving Forward, at the 2014 Annual Program Meeting (APM) on Friday, October 24, 5:00–6:30 pm. Moderator Victoria Rizzo (Binghamton University), and panelists Robyn Golden (Rush University Medical Center), Paul Gould (Binghamton University), and Marilyn Luptak (University of Utah) will explore how educators are preparing Hartford Partnership Program in Aging Education (HPPAE) students to work in changing health care settings as a result of the Affordable Care Act, and how new social work interventions can significantly reduce use of health care services and associated costs while also improving quality of life for older adults.

The Affordable Care Act and Social Work Webinar Series

The Gero-Ed Center and the National Association of Social Workers are delighted to cosponsor a webinar series on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and social work to ensure that social work practitioners, faculty, and students have the competencies to work effectively in the rapidly changing long-term services and supports environments. Learn more about this series and view past recordings here, and e-mail to suggest future webinar topics related to social work and the ACA.