CSWE Gero-Ed Center
Gero-Ed Center Webinar on November 13
The Gero-Ed Center’s first webinar, “The Affordable Care Act: A New Opportunity for Social Work,” will be held on Wednesday, November 13, 2013, from 1:00–2:00 pm EST. Distinguished experts, Robyn Golden of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, and June Simmons, Founding President and CEO of Partners in Care Foundation, will lead this informative webinar.
Gero-Ed Track Events at CSWE 2013 APM
Join us in a couple of weeks for the CSWE Gero-Ed Track sessions at this year’s Annual Program Meeting. Exciting events include the Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel highlighting trauma and aging, a Gerontology Education Consultants session with four gero-experienced faculty, the annual AGESW reception featuring the Dallas Tap Dazzlers, and more!
Gerontology Education Consultants at 2013 CSWE APM
Gerontology education consultants will be at APM on Friday, November 1 from 4:45 pm–5:45 pm CST to answer questions regarding infusing gerontology into the curriculum or designing specialized gerontology structures. The following consultants will be available: Kristina Hash (West Virginia University), Nancy Kelly-Gillespie (University of Nebraska at Omaha), Penelope Moore (Iona College), and Lois Pierce (University of Missouri, St. Louis).
Aging Network Workforce Development at APM
Join presenters from the CSWE Gero-Ed Center, National Resource Center for Participant Directed Services, and National Association of Area Agencies on Aging on Saturday, November 2 from 3:15–4:45 pm CST for an engaging, interactive workshop offering strategies to provide students with the competencies necessary for work in the Aging Network. Outcomes of a survey of competency-based workforce initiatives and needs within the Aging Network will also be discussed.