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Resources for Members

Interprofessional Educational Collaborative (IPEC)

Based on the unanimous vote of the CSWE Board of Directors at its October 23, 2014, meeting, CSWE has endorsed the principles of interprofessional education as established by IPEC and is now listed as a supporting organization of IPEC. A copy (PDF) of the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice sponsored by IPEC is available here.

Child Welfare Outcomes 2009–2012 Available Online

Child Welfare Outcomes 2009–2012: Report to Congress, the 13th in a series of reports from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is now available online. The publication is designed to inform Congress and professionals related to the child welfare field about national and state performance on several measures of outcomes for children served by child welfare systems throughout the country; the outcomes address the safety, permanency, and well-being of the children, and focus on widely accepted performance objectives for child welfare practice.

Social and Behavioral Information for Electronic Health Records

A new report from Institute of Medicine identifies 12 measures of social and behavioral information that should be included in all electronic health records to provide better patient care, improve population health, and enable more informative research.