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Opportunities for Members

Military Social Work Conference

The Third Annual Military Social Work Conference: Strengthening Military Families Through Effective Community Practices, to be hosted by the University of Texas at Austin School of Social Work September 16–18, 2015, will provide a forum to meet others, exchange ideas, and hear from leading clinicians and researchers in the field of mental health and family services to military personnel and veterans. Learn more and register online.

JTSW Call for Submissions

The Journal of Teaching in Social Work will publish a special issue on “Continuing Education in Social Work” and invites manuscripts that address all aspects of professional social work continuing education for the purposes of lifelong learning, professional replenishment, staff development, career advancement, maintenance of specialty credentials, and eligibility for licensure renewal. Submission deadline is November 30, 2015.

Doctoral Training Grants in Oncology Social Work

The American Cancer Society offers doctoral training grants in oncology social work that are available to outstanding students during all phases of a graduate program offered in an accredited school of social work. Successful applicants must agree to attend the American Cancer Society activities at the Society for Social Work and Research annual conference.

Call for Assignment Contributions

Authors of a planned publication of CSWE Press, Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology, seek contributions of assignments or class activities that educate about or rely on the use of technology in social work practice and education. The assignments will be part of an appendix of teaching resources in the new book. Contributions may be submitted online and are due by September 30, 2015.