Resources for Members
Leveraging Culture to Address Health Inequalities—Workshop Summary
This report is the summary of a workshop that convened in November 2012 by the Roundtable on the Promotion of Health Equity and the Elimination of Health Disparities of the Institute of Medicine. The report reviews the presentations and discussion of the workshop and includes case studies that examine programs aimed at diabetes prevention and management and cancer prevention and treatment programs.
Updated Child Welfare Web Sections Now Available
Child Welfare Information Gateway has announced two updated Web sections that can help child welfare professionals address the key elements of family-centered practice and design, evaluate, and improve family support and preservation services. The redesigned Family-Centered Practice and Supporting and Preserving Web sections can be accessed here.
Older Adults & Substance Use Disorders Free Webinar
Sign up now for a free webinar on Older Adults & Substance Use Disorders, which will compare the current generation and the baby boomers’ use of alcohol, illicit drugs, and other abused medications. The webinar offered by the Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging Coalition will be held on February 5, 2014, from 12:00 pm–1:30 pm.
NCCDP Staff Education Toolkit Available
The National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners' (NCCDP) Free Staff Training In-services and Toolkit is available for download until March 15, 2014. The toolkit was developed and implemented to bring awareness to the importance of staff educators being trained and certified in dementia care and to provide education by means of face to face interactive classroom.
Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Considerations for Children and Families
This report is the summary of a workshop convened in June 2013 by the Institute of Medicine Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events to discuss disaster preparedness, response, and resilience relative to the needs of children and families, including children with special health care needs. Read more here.