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2014 APM

All Calls for Proposals Open!

The peer-reviewed call for proposals, which include two types of preconference workshops and 40 tracks, opened on January 6. The call closes at 11:59 pm (EST) on Monday, February 17.
The invited sessions call for proposals, which include CSWE Connect, Hot Topic, Integrated Media & Arts Social Work Education, and Partnerships opened on Monday, January 13. All calls close at 11:59 pm (EST) on Monday, February 17.

2014 APM Schedule at a Glance

The CSWE Council on Conferences and Faculty Development has released the overview of the 4-day schedule for the 2014 Annual Program Meeting. The 2014 APM Schedule at a Glance can be accessed here.

Thanks to Our Sponsor

A special thanks to our first confirmed 2014 APM sponsor! We have received funding support for the name badge lanyards from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.