2015 APM
More Than 1,500 Proposals Received
A record number of more 1,450 peer-reviewed plus over 50 invited sessions proposals for the 2015 APM were received by the deadline, February 16 at 11:59 pm (USA ET). We appreciate the support of all who submitted proposals and will announce provisional acceptance notifications on Friday, April 10.
Call for Proposal Reviewers Open
The call for phase 1 proposal reviewers opened on Wednesday, February 11 and will close on Sunday, February 22 (11:59 pm USA ET). The 2-week CSWE member proposal review cycle will occur Monday, February 23 through Sunday, March 8.
Thanks to Our Sponsors
A special thanks to our confirmed 2015 APM sponsors! We have received funding support from Boston College; Dominican University; The Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work; Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey; and University of Tennessee at Knoxville.
Check out the list of confirmed exhibitors; they total 53. Learn more about exhibiting opportunities beginning on page 3 of the 2015 APM Marketing Toolkit Preview.