Resources for Members
New Advanced Practice Guides Available
New resources on macro social work and behavioral health disparities connect knowledge and practice behaviors specific to competencies for advanced practice. The guides were developed by the Association for Community Organization and Social Administration (ACOSA) and the National Association of Deans and Directors for Schools of Social Work (NADD), with technical assistance from CSWE.
NCWWI Funding Extended
The National Child Welfare Workforce Institute (NCWWI) has announced the receipt of a $21.2 million award from the Children's Bureau (CB) to continue to lead the NCWWI from 2013–2018. The next 5 years will focus on increasing child welfare practice effectiveness through diverse partnerships that center on workforce systems development, organizational interventions, and change leadership, using data-driven capacity building, education, and professional development.
Parity Implementation Toolkit Now Available
The federal government recently released the final rules on the Wellstone/Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008, which seeks to eliminate discriminatory access to mental health and substance use disorder benefits in certain health insurance coverage. The Parity Implementation Coalition has developed an important toolkit to assist consumers, providers, and advocates in getting the coverage they deserve.
Report Documents College Completion Rates
The National Student Clearinghouse’s second annual report on national completion rates shows that 56% of all first-time college students who enrolled in fall 2007 earned a degree or certificate within 6 years; that figure rose to 78% for those who were enrolled exclusively full time. The report includes for the first time data on dual-enrollment students (i.e., those who were enrolled in college-level courses while still in high school).