2014 APM
Announcement: 2014 Carl A. Scott Lecture
Michael Spencer (University of Michigan) has been chosen as this year's speaker for the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture that will be held on October 25 at the APM. The title of his lecture is Power, Privilege, Intersectionality, and Action in Social Work Education and Practice; read more.
Hot Topics to Draw Crowds at APM
Twelve hot topic sessions, representing a wide range of emerging and important topics for social work educators that would not be addressed in the peer-reviewed format of proposals assigned to one of the 40 Tracks, were selected for the APM. Learn more about these 12 to consider for your APM schedule; they are posted by focus area on the website at Hot Topic Sessions.
Over 1,200 Presenters to Arrive in Tampa
APM presentation schedules (dates, times, and room assignments) were sent electronically by e-mail to all 1,286 accepted presenters on Monday, August 11. View their names here.
Registration Surges Upwards to Over 2,000
Just 8 weeks to go! Connect with your colleagues at APM by registering for the 2014 APM; use our official online 2014 APM Registration Site to register.
Recruit Faculty Through Interview Booths
Check out the names of the seven programs already registered for the onsite interview opportunities that CSWE is offering to program members who posted positions in the online CSWE Career Center. Registration deadline is September 30.
CSWE 2014 Student Travel Scholarships
CSWE is offering three travel scholarships to CSWE student members wishing to attend the 2014 Annual Program Meeting (APM) in Tampa, FL, October 23–26; each will receive a complimentary student registration and $700 to assist with travel expenses. The online application process will open on Monday, August 25 and closes on September 15; learn more here.
Last Call, CSWE 2014 Virtual Film Festival
Time is running out to view and rate the six films in the CSWE Virtual Film Festival, which have been produced by talented student filmmakers from University of Alaska Anchorage, University of Notre Dame, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, and Rutgers University. The top-ranked film will receive a $500 prize; e-mail FilmFestival@cswe.org for details on how to participate.
Check out the list of confirmed exhibitors; they total 92. Learn more about exhibiting opportunities on page 3 of the 2014 APM Marketing Toolkit.
Thank You to Our Sponsors
A special thanks to our 2014 APM sponsors! Our most recent funding support came from Howard University.
Preliminary Program
Online and interactive for your immediate use—the 2014 APM Preliminary Program! For a quick overview begin with the table of contents located on page 3 of the document.