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Gero-Ed Center

Awardee for Student Travel Scholarship Announced

Todd Crawford (Southern University at New Orleans) has been selected to receive the 2013 Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund Student Travel Scholarship and to attend the 2013 APM in Dallas. To learn more about the awardee visit the Ashley Brooks-Danso Memorial Fund’s Student Travel Scholarships Web page; also please consider supporting future awards by making a contribution to the fund

Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panelists Announced

The 2013 Gero-Ed Track Kick-Off Panel, Trauma Across Generations: From Research to Practice (1.5 CE hours through the Approved Continuing Education [ACE] Program offered by CSWE; CE registration required), will be held during the CSWE APM on Friday, November 1 from 10:45 am–12:15 pm. The panel will highlight forensic social work with older adults, homelessness, older veterans, incarceration, and historical trauma.