Opportunities for Members
VA Interprofessional Fellowship Opportunity
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is seeking applications for its Interprofessional Fellowship in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Recovery-Oriented Services, which provides state-of-the-art clinical training that focuses on the theory and practice of psychosocial rehabilitation and recovery. MSW- and PhD-level social workers are eligible to apply, and applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.
APF Calls for Grants Proposals
American Psychological Foundation (APF) has put out calls for proposals for the Visionary Grants, the David H. and Beverly A. Barlow Grant, and the Drs. Rosalee G. and Raymond A. Weiss Research and Program Innovation Grant. The submission deadline for all three programs is April 1, 2014.
Special Theme Call for Manuscripts
The interdisciplinary special theme issue of The Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, "Police Shooting of Unarmed African American Males: Implications for the Individual, Family, and the Community," is dedicated to scholarly contributions, practice wisdom, solution-based, and evidence-based community interventions that are effective in addressing the perennial disproportionality of police brutality, and killings of African American males. The special issue editors welcome manuscript submissions that address police shooting of unarmed African American males and explain how the confluence and intersections of historic, contemporary, socioeconomic, legal, and political factors contribute to social inequities against African American males and their interactions with law enforcement agents; the call for manuscripts ends January 25, 2015.