Official Selection, CSWE 2013 Film Festival
The following 14 films, which are listed below in alphabetical order by title, were shown at the CSWE 2013 Film Festival during the 59th Annual Program Meeting in Dallas, TX, on October 31–November 3, 2013. The Audience Choice Award recipient was Trans.
• Film Festival Schedule
• Ordering Information for Films
The Children Next Door (View trailer here)
Shot in Tennessee, this hard-hitting film takes us on a young family's journey to overcome a horrific event that both shattered and shaped their lives.
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A Family Portrait (view trailer here)
A Family Portrait follows two men as they discover the meaning of love, social expectations, and what it is to be a family in 21st-century America. A story about a gay couple raising two young children, the documentary shows their will to overcome societal challenges through the power of timeless family values.
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The Genius of Marian (view trailer here)
An intimate family portrait that explores the tragedy of Alzheimer's disease, the power of art, and the meaning of family.The Genius of Marian follows Pam White in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease as her son, the filmmaker, documents her struggle to hang on to a sense of self.
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A Good Death (view trailer here)
When Howie Rich received a terminal diagnosis a few years ago, he and his family chose a creative response, focusing on hope instead of despair and including a wide community in their journey. In the end, that choice enriched their life and taught the community the meaning of a "good death."
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GrandParenting (view trailer here)
This film takes an intimate look at the lives of several grandparents who are full-time caregivers to their grandchildren, because their own children are unable to do so due to problems ranging from drug abuse to physical and mental disorders.
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Heart and Soul (view clip here)
Heart and Soul is a SAMHSA Million Hearts-sponsored film directed by past Voice Award nominee Sheryll Franco. The film features narration by Ted “The Golden Voice” Williams. The film brings awareness (and strategies for wellness) to the issue of early mortality among individuals challenged with mental health and addiction issues.
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Hidden Pictures: The Underexposed World of Mental Health (view trailer here)
Filmmaker and physician Delaney Ruston grew up under the shadow of her dad's mental illness (Unlisted). But how does her experience compare to others globally? Hidden Pictures takes us to India, China, Africa, France, and America to answer this question. Scenes of profound frustration and unparalleled compassion emerge, including insights by actress Glenn Close.
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I Remember Better When I Paint (view trailer here)
The use of creative workshops, artistic expression classes, and trips to the museum are documented as an effective therapy for persons with dementia. The film is narrated by actress Olivia de Havilland.
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Nickel City Smiler (view trailer here)
Nickel City Smiler chronicles a refugee's fight for survival and hope in the American Rust Belt. The film documents the struggle encountered by Smiler's family and the refugee community on the streets in one of America's poorest cities.
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Old People Driving (view trailer here)
Old People Driving chronicles the adventures of 96-year-old Milton and 99-year-old Herbert as they confront the end of their driving years. Through their stories, we discover what's at stake for the generation that came of age with the automobile—and their families and caregivers—when they consider hanging up the keys.
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Packrat (view clip here)
Hoarding or "packrat" behavior can start out innocently enough, but what happens when collecting behavior becomes compulsive? Through the personal stories of several families, this film helps viewers identify and better understand hoarding behavior—a little-discussed social issue that affects many families.
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Seen Also in Men (view clip here)
The story of the paternal instinct held by three young Black men that pushes them to fight for meaningful relationships with their children. Under the weight of broken relationships with their own fathers and the negative stereotypes of what a Black father does not do, these men rise to the occasion.
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Straightlaced (view clip here)
Straightlaced explores how popular pressures around gender and sexuality are confining American teens. From girls confronting media messages about body image to boys who are sexually active just to prove they are not gay, this fascinating array of students is bravely honest about stereotypes and rigid gender policing.
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Trans (view trailer here)
Trans is a documentary feature about males and females—and everything in between. It is an up-close-and-personal view of the transgender community that will change both your mind and your heart. Winner, CSWE 2013 Audience Choice Award