SAGE/CSWE Commission on Research Faculty Award
for Innovation in Research Instruction

Carol Hostetter, MSW, PhD, Indiana University School of Social Work

Innovation: Using Team Based Learning to support research education and advancement

Dr. Carol Hostetter is Professor in the School of Social Work at Indiana University.  She has won many teaching awards, including the top teaching award for all eight campuses of Indiana University. Dr. Hostetter teaches the graduate pedagogy class for her school.  She studies child welfare training and evaluation, along with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL).  In the latter field, her current publications focus primarily on undergraduate research and community building in faculty development.  She spearheaded the Teaching Research in Social Work webinar series, sponsored by CSWE’s Commission on Research. Last year she established the SWERL collaborative (Social Work Engagement in Research Learning) for social work faculty.  Dr. Hostetter presents regularly at national and international conferences on teaching and learning.