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Accepted Presenter Compliance Policy

June 3 deadline:

  • All accepted presenters for the 2016 APM are required to register and pay in full by June 3
  • All primary and other presenters must be in attendance at the 2016 APM to comply with these guidelines
  1. The primary presenter is responsible for ensuring compliance with this requirement for all presenters.
  2. Any accepted presenter who fails to meet that policy's June 3, 2016, deadline will be removed from the 2016 APM program. In cases where full funding for the compliance requirements will be provided by the presenter's employer and access to that support is July 1, 2016, the presenter may contact CSWE no later than May 15 to request a May 23 deadline exception. The exception request will involve the presenter's dean, director, or financial officer.
  3. This policy was implemented in response to feedback from meeting participants. The most overwhelming source of dissatisfaction with past meetings has been the number of presenters who fail to show up for their presentations. This leaves gaps in the program and takes available presentation times from other individuals who may have been rejected for presentation due to lack of space.