Military Social Work
Chair: David Albright (The University of Alabama)
APM Assignment: 2016–2017
Co-chair: Kari Fletcher (St. Catherine University-University of St. Thomas)
APM Assignment: 2016–2017
The Military Social Work Track promotes advancement of the integration of practice, service, and research in strengthening military social work education and practice. The ever-changing fabric of the nation is reflected in the diversity of today’s military service members, veterans, and family members, posing unique challenges and opportunities for social work education, practice, and research in assuring that social work is relevant and responsive to the needs of today’s military populations and veterans. Social work education is increasingly challenged to respond to the needs of veterans and family members in the classroom, as well as preparing the next generation of social workers who will work with military populations. The challenges faced by veterans and their families are relevant to all fields of social work practice (e.g., mental health, school, medical, community, policy). This Track welcomes papers that focus on increasing social work capacity; developing social work competency for the treatment of combat-related mental disorders; promoting military cultural awareness; and improving the health and well-being of veterans, their families, and communities. Ultimately, this Track is focused on improving the well-being of, advancing social and economic justice for, and eradicating pressing societal problems for this population, resulting in competent and knowledgeable social workers who can provide evidence-based practices, advocacy, empowerment, and leadership to this complex and culturally diverse population.