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Hot Topic

Hot Topic sessions focus on emerging and important topics for social work educators or on topics not covered by other APM presentations. A specific area of interest are proposals that focus on any of the six themes identified in the CSWE Summit on Field Education 2014 report and the Grand Challenges for Social Work.

  • 60 minutes, up to 7 presenters, oral presentations
  • Presentations are on emerging and important topics for social work educators or on topics not covered by other APM presentations.
  • Proposals are selected by CSWE

Hot Topic Requirements

  • Title: 12 words
  • Overview: 50 words
  • Topic Focus Area-proposals focused on the specific interest areas should identify what theme or grand challenge the proposal is focused on.
  • List of Presenters
  • Proposal Text: 750 words or less
  • Invited session presenters are subject to the 2016 APM Accepted Presenter Compliance Requirements policy as are those for the Peer-Reviewed presenters

The call for invited sessions proposals opened on Friday, January 22, 2016, and closed on Monday, February 22, 2016, at 11:59 pm (USA ET).