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Available Sponsorship Opportunities

Charging StationsCSWE-13_Chargingstations_Webpage.jpg

  • November 3–November 6, 2016
  • CSWE will provide attendees with charging stations in the Exhibit Hall, allowing them to charge smartphones and tablets there rather than returning to hotel rooms. Display your company logo on a charging station, back lit and full wrapped. The company logo and link also will appear on the sponsor page of the official conference website. ($1,500 per station)

Hotel Keycards

  • All attendees staying at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis will receive keycards branded with your school or organization logo. This sponsorship is exclusive and will remind attendees of your school or organization every time they take out their keycards. ($5,500)

Mobile Application

  • September 14, 2016 – January 31, 2017
  • This co-sponsorship offers high visibility because the mobile application will be used as a companion piece to the 2016 APM Final Program. Your logo will appear prominently when the application is opened and as a banner ad with a link to your website. The logo also will be included on the list of sponsors on the CSWE website, and your name will be listed in the Final Program. ($6,000)

Doctoral Student Connection Co-Sponsorship

  • This invitation-only breakfast connection event for doctoral students will be held Friday, November 4, from 7:00 am–8:00 am. The heart of the event, however, is networking among doctoral students from all over the country. ($6,000)

For more information on possible sponsorship opportunities, please contact Arminn Leopold.