Issue 3: March 4, 2015
Now Closed: 2015 APM Calls for Proposals*
All calls for proposals closed at 11:59 pm (USA ET) on Monday, February 16. A total of 1,420 peer-reviewed proposals were received and assigned to the 40 APM tracks. Scroll down this page to review the track distribution of these 1,420 proposals; see 2015-03-04 APM Proposals by Track by Type.
February 23–March 8
Phase 1 Proposal Review Cycle
This phase will be conducted by CSWE member volunteers who registered as Phase 1 proposal reviewers and are eligible to participate. See Call for Proposal Reviewers.
March 16–29
Phase 2 Proposal Review Cycle
This stage will be completed by the Track chairs and co-chairs from March 16–29. All Track chairs and co-chairs are asked to be available during these weeks to assist with the final proposal review tasks.
*Proposal acceptance decisions will be announced on Friday, April 10, 2015.