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APM Track Lunch-Break X-change

Tracks 1-20: Friday, October 24 from 11:30 am–12:30 pm
Tracks 21-40: Saturday, October 25 from 11:30 am–12:30 pm

The APM offers 40 content tracks, allowing for variety and providing a framework for presentations. The tracks also offer a logical way for attendees to plan their time around specific content areas. Learn more and affiliate yourself with a one of the 40 APM content tracks by meeting the track chair at the 2014 APM.

Track chairs and co-chairs work with CSWE and the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD) to solicit submission proposals and reviewers and to ensure deadlines are met. Members affiliated with a track will most likely be future chairs and co-chairs, because they will become familiar with the CCFD’s process of running parts of the APM via the track structure. Volunteering for an assignment as chair or co-chair is an excellent opportunity not only to serve but also to make important connections with other scholars in your content area.

To support track operations, encourage networking among CSWE members affiliated with the various tracks, and help involve more members, track representatives will meet during two APM lunch breaks. Representatives from 20 of the 40 tracks will be available each day. All APM attendees are welcome to stop by and learn more about becoming affiliated with tracks in their particular interest areas. A schedule will be announced in the fall.