Presenter Information
A. Presenter Identification
You will be asked to provide the following for each presenter and identify one to serve as the primary presenter. In addition, you will be prompted to request a CSWE membership waiver for each presenter as part of the presenter compliance requirements for accepted presenters. You will be able to copy and paste this information from another document.
- Full name
- Title
- Work institution name (do NOT include the office or department name; include those in the address field)
- Mailing address
- Telephone number
- Fax number
- E-mail address
- Brief biography
Ensure that you have the correct spelling of each name. Think Tank proposals also require the submission to include the name of the session chair.
For the purpose of meeting the 2014 Accepted Presenter Compliance Requirements policy, make certain each individual listed on your proposal is prepared to register for the 2014 APM and has agreed to be responsible for obtaining individual membership in CSWE (or will qualify for a membership waiver). Do not list persons on a proposal who will not be in attendance as a presenter or have not been informed of the requirements of presentation.
B. Continuing for 2014 APM: Research Contributor and Role Limit
The role of a research contributor has been added as an OPTIONAL role for the paper and poster proposals. Research contributors are individuals who contributed to the work, but who will not be in attendance at the APM to present the findings.
- There is a maximum of three per proposal.
- Persons identified in this role are not required to meet 2014 APM Acceptance Compliance policy requirements. They each may be assigned a maximum of three research contributor roles.
- Research contributors will receive copies of the proposal acceptance decisions.
- For accepted papers and posters research contributor names will be listed in the online Personal Scheduler for the 2014 APM; their names will not appear in the 2014 APM Final Program.
C. Presenter Role Limit
- Primary presenters may submit only one proposal through the call for proposals (the combined peer-reviewed and invited calls).
- No presenters may be listed on more than three (one as primary and two as non-primary, or three as non-primary) presentations within the complete APM program.
- In support of keeping the APM as broadly representative of social work educational scholarship and accessible to as many participants as possible, the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD) endorses the policy of limiting the number of times a participant can be a presenter in a single meeting to three in any given conference, including only one as a primary presenter. This policy has the additional advantage of facilitating transparency in the planning process, as well as making the fixed number of presentation slots available to as many scholars and presenters as possible. Although submitters are to be applauded for their productivity, the CCFD cannot make exceptions to the cap on the number of submissions featured per presenter per conference.
- No presenter additions or substitutions may be made after the February 17, 2014, proposal submission deadline.
D. Role Limit Summary
The maximum number of roles a person can have in the 2014 APM is three and is dependent on his/her APM attendance. Persons may select either of the following options.
- Option 1. Presenter role as a person who will attend the APM and meet Accepted Presenter Compliance: one as primary and two as non-primary, or three as non-primary
- Option 2. Research contributor role (reserved solely for persons who will not attend the APM) for papers and posters proposals: up to three.