Leadership Development Institute
A Leadership Development Institute (LDI) is a preconference workshop in which a senior faculty/administrator with special expertise shares knowledge for the purpose of promoting leadership roles and enhancing leadership skills.
2014 APM Offering
Thursday, October 23
Morning Session from 9:00 am–12:00 pm
E Orientation and Professional Development for New Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors/Administrators
This LDI is designed for undergraduate program administrators with less than 3 years of experience. Experienced baccalaureate social work program directors will present and discuss material on the role and scope of administering an undergraduate social work program, program governance, academic leadership, fiscal and human resource management, environmental scanning, and accreditation.
LDI Teachers:
Deborah B. Rubin, Chatham University
Rebecca Turner, Jacksonville State University
Emily Myers, Auburn University
Stephanie Valutis, Christopher Newport University