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Faculty Development Institutes

A Faculty Development Institute (FDI) is 3 hours in length. Those selected for the 2014 APM will be held on Thursday, October 23.

  • Each is a preconference workshop in which individuals with special expertise share information for the purpose of enhancing the knowledge and skills of social work educators.
  • It focuses on topics in social work education with a broad appeal and merits a 3-hour allotment of time for the development of knowledge and skills.

2014 APM Offerings
Thursday, October 23
Morning Sessions from 9:00 am–12:00 pm

A. Data Analyses for Small Samples and Non-Normal Data: Nonparametric Methods

Frequently researchers face small sample sizes that do not provide enough power or non-normal data that do not meet the assumptions for commonly used parametric techniques. The authors of a new nonparametrics book present practical examples using SPSS to demonstrate the ease and usefulness of these methods.

FDI Teachers:
Carl Siebert, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Darcy Clay Siebert, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

B. Designing Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE) to Assess Social Work Student Competencies

Social work educators need standardized, valid, and reliable methods for assessment of students’ practice competence. This FDI will provide an overview of OSCE methodology; examine issues of reliability and validity; and offer pragmatic guidelines for adapting, designing, implementing, and testing of OSCEs for social work.

FDI Teachers:
Mary Rawlings, Azusa Pacific University
Marion Bogo, University of Toronto
Ellen Katz, University of Toronto
Barbara Johnson, Azusa Pacific University

C. From Flipcharts to the Flipped Classroom: Using Technology to Promote Clinical Skills

This workshop will demonstrate the use of Google applications for education in extending instruction and teaching clinical skills. These applications also can assist in documenting achievement of EPAS competencies.

FDI Teachers:
Megan R. Holmes, Case Western Reserve University
Elizabeth M. Tracy, Case Western Reserve University
Lori Longs Painter, Case Western Reserve University
Tina Deveny Oestreich, Case Western Reserve University

D. Nuts and Bolts to Implement and Evaluate Sustainable Interprofessional Education

Social work educators offer leadership in preparing students for the emerging collaborative health workforce. This FDI will concentrate on how to conceptualize, collaborate, implement, evaluate, and sustain interprofessional education. The presenters will address a range of methods to build a collaborative learning culture, engaging champions and prominent administrators from other disciplines.

FDI Teachers:
Maureen Rubin, University of Nevada, Reno
Barbara Jones, University of Texas at Austin
Shelley Cohen Konrad, University of New England
Jayashree Nimmagadda, Rhode Island College
Thursday, October 23
Afternoon Sessions from 1:30 am–4:30 pm

F. Engaging Students in the Social Work Classroom Through Team-Based Learning

In this interactive and hands-on FDI, participants will discover the value of team-based learning for developing key social work competencies such as thinking critically, engaging difference, and demonstrating professionalism; identify the essential elements of successful student collaborations; and redesign courses to incorporate effective team processes and assignments.

FDI Teachers:
Julie Bach, Dominican University
Charlie Stoops, Dominican University
Jodi Cressman, Dominican University

G. Preparing Social Workers With Person-Centered and Participant-Directed Competencies

Social work graduates need person-centered and participant-directed (PC/PD) competencies to work in community-based services for older adults and persons with disabilities. This FDI provides the PC/PD philosophy and demonstrates strategies to infuse PC/PD competencies and content into generalist curriculum. Attendees will receive a toolkit with infusion strategies and teaching resources.

FDI Teachers:
Nancy Hooyman, University of Washington
Doreen Higgins, University of Wisconsin–Green Bay
Anissa Rogers, University of Portland
Mark Sciegaj, Pennsylvania State University

H. Publishing in Social Work Journals: Lessons Learned From Editors-in-Chief

As academic institutions continue to raise the bar regarding research and publication, dissemination of knowledge has become an increasingly competitive endeavor. This FDI will highlight the major skills needed to successfully develop a manuscript and navigate the editorial review process from submission to acceptance.

FDI Teachers:
Elizabeth C. Pomeroy, University of Texas at Austin
Susan P. Robbins, University of Houston
Susan Mason, Yeshiva University
Noel Busch-Armendariz, University of Texas at Austin
Hugh McLaughlin, Manchester Metropolitan University

I. Teaching DSM-5

With approximately 30 years of combined experience teaching psychopathology with the DSM as text and 5 years of experience following development of DSM-5, the presenters will offer their scholarship, course assignments, and approaches to teaching this content to social work students.

FDI Teachers:
Lloyd L. Lyter, Marywood University
Sharon C. Lyter, Kutztown University

J. Using Evidence-Based Practice to Teach MSW Students About Case Formulation for Trauma

Social work educators will be introduced to curriculum materials designed to enhance an evidence-based approach to practice regarding case formulation and intervention planning with traumatized children, adolescents, and their families. Attendees will practice the use of a case-based approach.

FDI Teachers:
Virginia Strand, Fordham University
Lyn K. Slater, Fordham University
Ineke Way, Western Michigan University