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Audio/Visual Equipment


What equipment will be provided by CSWE?

One LCD projector, screen, podium, and wired microphone will be available in the session rooms at no cost to the presenter. They are not provided for electronic posters, posters, and roundtable sessions, because those three formats do not use that type of equipment for presentation delivery.

For what equipment is the primary presenter responsible?

CSWE does not provide laptops or Internet access in meeting rooms. All presenters must provide their own laptop computers to connect to the LCD projectors. Presenters using Macintosh computers or iPads who wish to use the LCD projectors must provide their own connecters to the projectors.

AV Rental Options: Friday, October 3 Order Deadline

If you would like to rent additional equipment and/or order Internet access, you will need to complete the 2014 APM Presenter AV Order Form and submit it with payment. Additional equipment fees will be the responsibility of the primary presenter.