Council on Conferences and Faculty Development
The Council on Conferences and Faculty Development is the volunteer body responsible for policy-setting related to the Annual Program Meeting and other faculty development programs at CSWE. The Council is part of the Commission on Membership and Professional Development.
Stacey Borasky, Chair
St. Edward's University
Jim Akin
National Association of Social Workers Florida Chapter
Belinda E. Bruster, 2014 APM Co-Chair
Florida Gulf Coast University
Diana R. Garland, 2013 APM Chair
Baylor University
Karen A. Gray
University of Oklahoma
David A. Jenkins, 2013 APM Co-Chair
Texas Christian University
Cheryl D. Lee
California State University, Long Beach
Cathleen A. Lewandowski
Cleveland State University
Lloyd L. Lyter
Marywood University
Olga Osby
Jackson State University
Maureen Rubin
University of Nevada, Reno
Audrey M. Shillington, 2015 APM Co-Chair
Colorado State University
Kathi R. Trawver
University of Alaska Anchorage
Elizabeth H. Voshel
University of Michigan
June Wiley
University of Southern California
James Herbert Williams, 2015 APM Chair
University of Denver
LaTamera Woodley
State of Tennessee, Department of Human Services
Michael Wright
Tennessee State University
Bonnie L. Yegidis, 2014 APM Chair
University of Central Florida