Interactive Poster
Interactive Poster (60 minutes, up to 4 presenters)
Components of the proposal are to include:
- Background/Rationale
- Methods/Methodology
- Results
- Conclusions
Proposals will be reviewed for the following:
- Relevance of topic, study, or inquiry to CSWE members and conference theme
- Clarity of the written proposal or focus of inquiry
- Appropriateness of research method(s) and/or conceptual foundation
- Robustness of analytical and/or theoretical frame
- Significance for social work education, practice, research, policy, or theory
Poster sessions are 60 minutes in length.
- The interactive poster is a great way to engage conference participants and address the interests of APM attendees by presenting a topic with graphics and visual aids on a poster board in the Exhibit Hall.
- Poster presentations (whether laminated or printed on regular business paper) must be no more than 3.5’ x 7.5’ in order to fit on the poster boards.
- Poster presenters stand beside their posters and discuss their work one-on-one or in small groups with attendees. Poster boards are 4' X 8'.