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Integrated Media & Arts Social Work Education

CSWE is seeking exemplary social work programs to participate in an assessment showcase of their competency assessment process and measures developed for the 2015 EPAS. The format will be presentations and discussion with rotating groups seated around a common table in the same session room.

  • 60 minutes, up to 3 presenters
  • Presenters should be prepared to initiate the discussion on their competency assessment process and measures and facilitate interactive group conversations.
  • There will not be a formal presentation.

CSWE Assessment Academy Requirements

  • Title: 12 words
  • Overview: 50 words
  • List of Presenters
  • Proposal Text: 750 words or less-should clearly identify the assessment process and competency measures developed for the 2015 EPAS.
  • Invited session presenters are subject to the 2016 APM Accepted Presenter Compliance Requirements policy as are those for the Peer-Reviewed presenters

The call for invited sessions proposals opened on Friday, January 22, 2016, and closed on Monday, February 22, 2016, at 11:59 pm (USA ET).