Integrated Media & Arts Social Work Education
These presentations are to demonstrate the incorporation of mathematics, fine arts, literature, and other liberal arts into lesson planning and delivery for postsecondary social work education. They are to include a lesson plan composed of a least (a) one EPAS competency, (b) one liberal arts area, and (c) one audio/video element. Selected proposals will be presented in 15–30 minute time durations as introductions to the lesson plans and will be video recorded as presented. The lesson plans and recorded videos will be disseminated after the 2014 APM through the CSWE website. As a result, the videos will be free from copyright infringement/authors' own work.
These sessions are selected or invited by the Council on Conferences and Faculty Development (CCFD). All special presentations are held in oral session rooms and are 60 minutes in length to accommodate the video recording set up prior to and after the 15–30 minute presentations.
Submission Requirements
A prescreening step is required for all Integrated Media & Arts Social Work Education proposals. Interested persons are to submit the following four items to for review by the CCFD.
- A 50-word overview/description of the proposed lesson-plan topic
- Identification of the three key elements of the lesson plan to include at least (a) one EPAS competency, (b) one liberal arts area, and (c) one audio/video element.
- A 300-word lesson plan detailing how those elements will be used in the class or delivery means.
- Integration Activity: statement of how students are engaged in the activity around media
- Learning Objective/s: behaviors that the student will display
- Value Statement/s: social work values highlighted in the lesson
- Name/s of proposed presenter/s for the session