Website Resources
ANZASW is the professional association for Social Workers in Aotearoa New Zealand. ANZASW is a membership organization that is run for and by the members and relies on the participation and contribution of Social Workers throughout the country. |
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ACOSA is a membership organization for community organizers, activists, nonprofit administrators, community builders, policy practitioners, students and educators. |
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Australian Association for Social Work and Welfare Education (AASWWE) seeks to enhance the quality of social work, welfare work and community development education as a contribution to the well being of the Australian and international communities. |
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The leading professional body for Social Workers in the UK, BASW is committed to transforming the status and standing of the Social Work profession for the ultimate benefit of the people who use its services. |
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A federation of nine provincial and one territorial social work organizations, the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) provides a national leadership role in strengthening and advancing the social work profession in Canada. |
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Founded in 1938 the Danish Association of Social Workers is today a professional association and trade union. |
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EASSW is the European independent branch of the IASSW and brings together about 300 different schools, universities and institutions supporting social work education. Its mission is to promote social development and develop high quality education, training and knowledge for social work practice, social services, and social welfare policies in Europe. |
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Site in French. The French Association of Organizations Training and Research in Social Work (AFORTS) is an organization of training institutions preparing students for careers in social work. |
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Organization with objective to foster a high standard of professional practice and ethics of social work in Hong Kong and to show concern on matters related to the profession, welfare issues and policies. |
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The International Association of Schools of Social Work, IASSW, is the worldwide association of schools of social work, other tertiary level social work educational programmes, and social work educators. |
Resource Added: 11/4/2009 12:00:00 AM |