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Social Work and Integrated Behavioral Healthcare Project

The Social Work and Integrated Care Project was a partnership initiative that infused integrated behavioral health and primary care into master’s level social work education. The initiative began as a collaborative project between CSWE and the National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work and has continued with leadership from the National Council for Behavioral Health. Funding for the first phase of the project came from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration/Health Resources and Services Administration Center for Integrated Health Solutions. The second and third phase funding have been provided by the New York Community Trust.

Since the initiative was launched in 2012, more than 30 schools of social work have agreed to offer a course in integrated care. Twenty-eight social work students across the country were placed in integrated care sites in fall 2013 to establish long-term relationships between the agencies and schools. More details about the initiative follow, including resources to start teaching integrated care in your program.

Phase 1: Curriculum Development for Two Integrated Care Courses

The first phase of the project brought together faculty from 10 schools of social work to develop master’s level curriculum materials for two courses in integrated health policy and advanced practice. Drafts of the materials are available now; they include PowerPoint slides, suggested readings, and classroom activities. 

Draft Curriculum — Clinical Practice
Draft Curriculum — Policy & Services

Phase 2: Launch of a Learning Network of Faculty Members and Students Using the Course Materials

Thirteen social work programs participated in a learning network while teaching the draft integrated care courses in spring 2013. Faculty members and students attended a series of webinars and conference calls to discuss their experiences with implementing the courses, including feedback on the content and materials. The project team will use the findings from the spring learning network to make edits to the curriculum materials.

Phase 3: Development of Field Placements in Integrated Care

Funding was provided for 28 students to establish integrated care field placements, which began in fall 2013. Funding included $10,000 per student with an allocation of $5,000 to the field placement site, $2,000 for the administrative costs at the graduate school, and a $3,000 scholarship for the student. Each team (student, field supervisor, and faculty member) also participated in a learning network and evaluation activities this fall. You can find a list of awardees here