Virtual Film Festival FAQs
1. How many films can I submit?
There is no limit to the number of films you can submit.
2. Do you offer fee waivers?
No, we will not be able to offer entry fee waivers for the CSWE 2014 Virtual Film Festival.
3. If I submit more than one film, do I have to pay multiple entry fees?
Yes, you must pay an entry fee for each film that you submit. We do not offer reduced prices for submitting multiple films.
4. Is it likely that more than one of my films will be accepted into the CSWE Virtual Film Festival?
It is possible that more than one of your films could be accepted, although we do not guarantee it. Each film is reviewed independent of the other films.
5. When will I learn if my film has been selected?
We will notify all entrants by e-mail whether their film has been accepted or rejected circa March 12, 2014. Please keep us updated regarding any changes to your contact information.
6. If my film is accepted, can I lead an online Q&A?
Online question-and-answer sessions led by the director or other party are by invitation only.
7. Will my submission/DVD be returned?
No. We will not return submitted DVDs for any reason. Additionally, entry fees are nonrefundable.
8. Will you confirm receipt of my entry?
We will notify you via e-mail that your submission has been received.
9. What if my film has been screened at other festivals or has aired on TV?
We accept films that have been featured at other festivals or have been broadcast on TV.
10. Do I need to include a press kit with my entry?
No. We do ask for a 50-word synopsis of the film on the entry form. If your film is accepted for the festival, we will request details on how your film can be purchased or rented.
11. How do you distinguish shorts from features?
In keeping with the guidelines for the Academy Awards®, we define a short film as less than 40 minutes and a feature-length film as 40 minutes and longer.
12. Is there a cutoff for the production date of my film?
Yes. Eligible films are those produced after January 1, 2012.
13. Are films made by faculty-student production teams eligible for entry?
Yes, social work-related films made by teams of faculty members and students may be entered in the CSWE 2014 Virtual Film Festival.
14. What is the preferred submission format?
We only accept NTSC Region 1 or 0-compatible DVDs. Please test your consumer-burned DVD on several makes and models of players before submitting it for entry.
Other questions may be addressed to