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RTP Steering Committee

CSWE Recovery to Practice (RTP) Steering Committee Members are

  • Charlie Rapp, University of Kansas
  • Gwen Foster, CalSWEC
  • Wallace Gingerich, Case Western Reserve University
  • Joseph Rogers, National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse
  • Susan Rogers, National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse, Mental Health Association of Southeastern Pennsylvania
  • Lauren Spiro, National Coalition for Mental Health Recovery
  • Patrick Sullivan, Indiana University School of Social Work

On September 29–30, 2011, members of the RTP Steering Committee gathered to discuss progress made since the start of the grant in March 2010. The steering committee reviewed the training curriculum development timeline for the coming year and made headway on outlining mental health recovery competencies for social work practice. The group will continue to closely advise CSWE in the creation and pilot testing phase of a webinar series for social work field instructors, slated for release in early 2014.



RTP Steering Committee Members and CSWE Staff met in Alexandria, VA.