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Message from the Director

Dear MFP Fellows and Alumni:
May is Mental Health Month, but in my eyes every month is Mental Health Month at the MFP. Whether through practice, policy, or research, MFP fellows are actively engaged in addressing the pressing mental health needs in communities across the country.
For example, Jason Woodford (2017 MFP master’s alumnus) helps address the behavioral health needs of students and adults in his community of West Baltimore, Maryland. His most recent work includes plans to gain accreditation for a psychiatric rehabilitation and substance abuse program.
May is also Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Current MFP doctoral fellow Susan Klumpner has channeled her background and experience to lead the Active Children Excel (ACE) Project.
These projects highlight the different ways MFP fellows improve the mental health of their communities.
I encourage you to let us know what you’re doing, so we can spotlight you!
Duy Nguyen, PhD
MFP Director


Carlos Vidal, PhD

We are saddened to inform our MFP family that Dr. Carlos Vidal (MFP doctoral '84) passed away suddenly in March. A child welfare researcher with a strong commitment to research and practice focused on Hispanic adolescents, Dr. Vidal most recently served as interim dean in the School of Health Management and Information at Stony Brook University. THe MFP meant so much to Dr. Vidal. Since 2001 he had served as a steady voice on the MFP Doctoral Advisory Committee. In this role, Dr. Vidal influenced the shape and direction of the MFP. As Dr. Aracelis Francis reflected, "He gave to the MFP over and over and we always enjoyed his humor. He will be missed." The MFP is planning to recognize Dr. Vidal's many contributions during the 2019 Annual Program Meeting in Denver, CO. 


Daisy Rios

Sidney H. Smith IIIMFP master’s fellow Daisy Rios attends California State University, Chico, and works as a therapist intern at Colusa County Behavioral Health. Rios bridges the gap of services to underrepresented and underserved populations in the rural community of Colusa, CA, by providing culturally and linguistically competent mental health services. In addition to the MFP, Rios is a recipient of the MHSA stipend program, administered by CalSWEC. Connect with Daisy on LinkedIn.




Susan Klumpner, AM, LCSW

Manuel Cano, PhD, MSWMFP doctoral fellow and University of Maryland, Baltimore student Susan Klumpner combines her love of tennis and afterschool enrichment programs in The Active Children Excel (ACE) Project. Klumpner co-founded The ACE Project as a youth development organization that provides free afterschool programs to under-resourced elementary schools in Baltimore and in Chicago, and has recently expanded to Detroit, MI, through partnership with the United States Tennis Association Foundation and Net Generation. In June 2018, The ACE Project participated in a public park revitalization project to re-imagine tennis courts with vibrant colors and make the sport more kid-friendly. Klumpner attributes the strength of her connections with other Asian American and Pacific Islanders in the MFP as a vital part of her career development. Connect with Susan on LinkedIn.

Jason Woodford Sr., MSW, LMSW

.Jason Woodford, a 2017 MFP master’s alumnus, is a school and community-based mental health therapist in West Baltimore, MD. Woodford provides mental health services to elementary school students and adults with a concentration in grief/loss and trauma. Woodford is in the process of starting his own psychiatric rehabilitation and substance use disorder organization named 90 Degree. Connect with Jason on LinkedIn.


Gabrielle Aquino-Adriatico, MSW

.Gabrielle, a 2015 MFP master’s alumna, will begin the doctoral program at the University of Houston’s Graduate College of Social Work in the fall 2019 semester. Aquino-Adriatico’s research focus includes sustainable interventions for the aftercare of sex trafficking survivors, human trafficking, and protective factors. Connect with Gabrielle on LinkedIn.


Announcement: 2019–2020 MFP Master’s Fellowship Application Cycle Open

CSWE’s 2019–2020 master’s Minority Fellowship Program application is now open with a deadline of May 23, 2019 at 11:59 pm EDT. Application instructions are posted on the MFP How to Apply page. Interested applicants can join MFP Director Dr. Duy Nguyen on May 9 and May 13 for online Q&A sessions.


MFP Master’s Virtual Job Fair

The 2018-2019 MFP master cohort participated in a virtual job fair in early May. Employer representatives from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Health Resources and Services Administration, and Seneca Family of Agencies took part in the job fair to connect master’s fellows with job opportunities in behavioral health.


The Diversity Center’s Educator Resource of the Month
Visit CSWE’s Center for Diversity and Social & Economic Justice to view the May Educator|Resource. The resource demonstrates how to develop a culturally tailored intervention based on collaboration with community-based partners. It features a comprehensive program designed to address disparities for Latinx children with autism spectrum disorder and their families.

2019 CSWE Commission and Council Awards
CSWE commissions and councils honor, recognize, and celebrate exceptional individuals who help advance social work and enhance social work education. New awards have been added to the Annual Program Meeting (APM) on October 24–27 in Denver, CO. Depending on criteria, the awards are open to CSWE members, nonmembers, or presenters at the APM. The deadline for submissions is May 17. Learn more about each award here.

Call for Proposals: National Latinx Social Work Conference
Social work faculty members, advocacy organizations, and allied behavioral health professionals are invited to submit workshop, panel, and student poster session proposals for the National Latino Social Workers Organization Latinx Social Work Conference on September 25–27, 2019, in Chicago, IL. The conference theme is “Transforming the Social Worker: From Research to Advocacy to Practice.” Workshop and panel proposals are due by May 24, and student poster session proposals are due by September 5. Learn more and submit proposals here.  

Conference: National Wraparound Implementation Academy
Register for the 4th National Wraparound Implementation Academy on September 9–11 in Baltimore, MD. This biennial event provides the opportunity to learn from the field’s foremost experts in Wraparound and systems of care and connect with peers from across the country. Register here and watch the promotional video.

Conference: National Association for Rural Mental Health
Join the 45th Annual National Association for Rural Mental Health Annual Conference, August 26–29 in Santa Fe, NM. The conference is an interdisciplinary mental health event for rural families and peers, community members, clinicians, researchers, administrators, and policy professionals to learn and network about issues concerning mental health practice, research, policy, and advocacy in rural and remote populations. Register and learn more here

Conference: Annual State Health Policy
Join the National Academy for State Health Policy’s 32nd Annual State Health Policy Conference on August 21–23, 2019, in Chicago, Illinois. The conference brings together state health policymakers to focus on emerging issues and current best practices within states. Register and learn more here.

Publication: After a School Tragedy...Readiness, Response, Recovery, & Resources
This publication helps schools with cultural considerations and support for Hispanic/Latino students and families in the aftermath of violence and trauma. Download the publication here.

Report: From Social Work Education to Social Work Practice: 2018 Survey of Social Work Graduates
This report discusses the job market for social workers, their educational and career pathways, employment outcomes, and job satisfaction based on the survey results from 2018 graduates of more than 100 MSW and BSW programs. Access the report and listen to a recorded webinar featuring the authors about the research process and data briefs on specific topics here.

MFP Fellow and Alumni Features
We want to feature your work in MFP Connect! Please use this form to tell us about your current work with underserved racial/ethnic communities. We are especially interested in examples that build and foster connections between current fellows and alumni!  


Council on Social Work Education
Director of Accreditation

Accreditation Specialist

Colorado State University
Postdoctoral Scholar

Indiana University
Assistant Research Professor

Health Workforce Connector Search