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Sidney H. Smith III, LSW

Sidney H. Smith IIIMFP master’s fellow Sidney Smith III attends the University of Southern Mississippi and serves as a clinical intern at the United States Veteran Affairs Hospital in Biloxi, MS. Smith is interested in the relationship between spirituality/religiosity and treatment outcomes from all forms of addiction. This month, Smith won the Graduate Student Empirical Research Poster competition at the National Association of Social Workers-Mississippi Annual Conference. Next month, he will give an oral presentation at the 2019 Susan A. Siltanen Graduate Research Symposium titled “Addiction Treatment Outcomes and Spirituality. What Is the Relationship?” Smith is an individual living in recovery and now a state-licensed social worker equipped to directly affect and care for those on the margins of society. Connect with Sidney on LinkedIn.


Manuel Cano, PhD, MSW

Manuel Cano, PhD, MSWMFP doctoral fellow Manuel Cano successfully defended his dissertation titled, “Acculturation-Related Measures, Ethnic Discrimination, and Drinking Outcomes Among U.S. Latinos,” and has accepted an assistant professor position at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Cano’s research focuses on the interplay of acculturation and discrimination as it pertains to alcohol and drug abuse among U.S. Hispanic adults. Cano expresses his gratitude for the enrichment and support from the entire MFP community.


Charles E. Lewis, Jr., PhD, MSW

Charles E. Lewis, Jr., PhD, MSWMFP doctoral alumnus Charles E. Lewis, Jr., PhD, MSW, is founder and president of the Congressional Research Institute for Social Work and Policy (CRISP), a nonprofit organization that works to engage social workers with the U.S. Congress. He also serves as adjunct professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work and Columbia University School of Social Work. Under the leadership of Dr. Lewis, CRISP organizes a Student Advocacy Day and Social Work Day on the Hill in March during Social Work Month. In July CRISP conducts a Political Boot Camp for social workers who wish to seek elected office, work on political campaigns, or become spokespersons for a candidate or a cause. Connect with Dr. Lewis on LinkedIn.


Felicia Mitchell, PhD, MSW

Crystal HayesMFP doctoral alumna Felicia Mitchell’s article, “Engaging in Indigenous CBPR Within Academia: A Critical Narrative,” was selected as the winner of the 2018 Affilia Award for Distinguished Feminist Scholarship and Praxis in Social Work! The article details her experience with community-based participatory research (CBPR) during her dissertation study of the significance of water and its relationship to American Indian health and well-being. The article details Dr. Mitchell’s thoughts on the implications for doctoral education and research with American Indian communities.



Elect MFP Doctoral Alumni to CSWE’s Board of Directors!

We are proud to announce that Jenny Jones, PhD (MFP 2002) and Joan Blakey, PhD (MFP 2008) are running for election as the Graduate Program Representative to the CSWE Board of Directors. Make sure you are a full member of CSWE by March 31, 2019, to vote in this election!

2019–2020 MFP Doctoral Application Cycle Closing Soon

CSWE’s 2019–2020 Doctoral Minority Fellowship Program application period closes on Friday, March 29, 2019, at 11:59 pm Eastern. Application instructions are on the MFP How to Apply page. Interested applicants can join MFP Director Dr. Duy Nguyen on March 15 or March 22 for online Q&A sessions.



The Diversity Center’s Educator Resource of the Month
CSWE’s Center for Diversity and Social and Economic Justice’s Educator Resource addresses new ways of approaching social work with multicultural communities—calling for integrating cultural richness into practice, reevaluating how we teach cultural competence, and expanding professional boundaries. This resource is based on a special issue of the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work and presents six studies that offer tangible approaches to engaging with racial and ethnic communities. It also assesses barriers and challenges posed by current models of social work practice.

Commission on Research Teaching Research Series
This series is a collaborative initiative between CSWE’s Commission on Research and the Social Work Engagement in Research Learning initiative at Indiana University. It provides practical suggestions for teaching research to social work students at the baccalaureate and master’s levels. Access the presentations.

2019 Annual Program Meeting Nominations
CSWE is seeking social work leaders who will bring innovative perspectives and quality content to the Carl A. Scott Memorial Lecture and the Hokenstad International Lecture at the 2019 Annual Program Meeting (APM) held in Denver, CO. Take this opportunity to help shape the APM conference program by submitting your nominations by Wednesday, March 27, 2019.

Report: A Comparison of In-Person and Online MSW Graduates
Access the new data brief A Comparison of In-Person and Online Master’s of Social Work Graduates from the National Workforce Initiative. It compares the demographic and educational backgrounds, jobs taken, populations served, and job search experience of 2018 MSW graduates who primarily received their social work instruction in person compared to those whose instruction was primarily received online.

MFP Fellow and Alumni Features
We want to feature your work in MFP Connect! Please use this form to tell us about your current work with underserved racial/ethnic communities. We are especially interested in examples that build and foster connections between current fellows and alumni!  


Council on Social Work Education
Research Specialist

Program Associate, Grants and Projects

National Wraparound Implementation Center at University of Washington
Evaluation and Program Operations Specialist

Health Workforce Connector Search