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History of the CSWE Minority Fellowship Programs (MFP)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

In 1974 there were concerns about the limited number of minority scholars able to do indigenous research to improve services to minority communities and the limited participation of minority professionals in the programs of the professional associations. An increase in the number of trained minority professionals would address both issues. Therefore, CSWE was awarded a grant by the NIMH to increase the number of minority doctoral students majoring in mental health research, preparing doctoral students to be among the next generation of NIMH-funded mental health researchers.

CSWE is pleased to have had the opportunity to work with NIMH on the Underrepresented Mental Health Research Fellowship Program for more than 30 years. NIMH decided to discontinue funding fellowships through associations (PDF) in 2010.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

In 1978 CSWE was awarded a grant for a mental health and substance abuse fellowship program funded by the SAMHSA. The goal of this program is to increase the percentage of professionals who are qualified to provide leadership in research, practice, education, and policy promulgation in government and private organizations that are central to the development and implementation of culturally specific and patient-centered programs for underserved ethnic minority persons with mental health or substance abuse disorders. Through the MFP, SAMHSA provides this initiative to assist the doctoral and postdoctoral development of nurses, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and marriage and family therapists from underrepresented and underserved populations.

Five goals are embedded in the SAMHSA MFP:

  1. Improve service to underrepresented and underserved populations
  2. Create a nucleus of behavioral health leaders
  3. Collaborate with state and national organizations to increase the quality of care
  4. Ensure that training is consistent with the latest scientific and clinical developments
  5. Expand the evaluation of service to vulnerable populations

Total Participants

CSWE has supported more than 600 MFP fellows, and 76% have received their doctorates. They are employed at universities and agencies throughout the United States.