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CSWE Press

CSWE Press publishes book and nonprint resources that address the needs of social work educators in the areas of the philosophy, theory, and practice of teaching; the process and evaluation of learning; and the organization and structure of social work education. CSWE Press also publishes materials that explore practice issues as they relate to social work curricula and field work. 

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Recent Publications

  • Teaching Group Work Content in Social Work Education, by Dominique Moyse Steinberg, is a valuable primer for new instructors and a refreshing resource for experienced educators who seek to enhance and enliven their courses. It provides a framework for teaching essential content over one semester as well as integrating central content into an existing practice class. Organized clearly according to stages of group development, this accessible reference identifies the essentials of group work, presents them succinctly, and offers practical teaching resources, such as classroom exercises and assignments, lecture notes, and recommended readings.
  • Teaching Social Work With Digital Technology, by Laurel Iverson Hitchcock, Melanie Sage, and Nancy J. Smyth, was written to help social work educators make pedagogically sound, rational, practical, and ethical decisions about integrating technology into their social work programs and across the curriculum. Case studies, practical examples, and technology tips are integrated into each chapter, and checklists show how technology is integrated with the Council on Social Work Education’s EPAS competencies, the NASW’s Code of Ethics, and other social work practice standards and guidelines. Appendices provide a wealth of practical materials.
  • Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn, 3rd edition, by Jeanne Bertrand Finch, Ovita F. Williams, Jacqueline B. Mondros, and Cheryl L. Franks builds on the previous two editions. This substantially revised text updates case scenarios, adds educational tools throughout the text, and provides resources to help field instructors apply practice competencies in their teaching. The authors introduce a justice-based framework for field education that centers challenging dialogues on diversity-related content in supervision as a foundation to undoing racism and oppressive practices. The aim is to enable field instructors and students to identify issues of diversity, difference, and oppression in their practice; apply their understanding; and progress in their abilities to advance justice.