Our thoughts are with the survivors of the devastating 7.8 earthquake that struck central Nepal at 11:58 am on April 25, 2015. According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, 8.1 million people will need humanitarian assistance, and more than 3 million will need food aid. To assist our members with information on where to donate and teaching resources for the classroom, we have compiled the following:
Global Assistance
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Guide to Giving
U.S. Agency for International Development
Center for International Disaster Information
Universities and Schools of Social Work
Our friends at the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) have recommended that people donate to the Go Fund Me account for the Nepal School of Social Work established by Lindsay Gezinsk at the University of Utah College of Social Work and Sharvari Karandikar at the College of Social Work, The Ohio State University.
The Nepali Student Association at the University of Texas-Arlington recommends sending donations to Nepal ko Yuwa.
The Nepali Student Association at Oklahoma State University posted this YouTube video.
The Kadambari Memorial College of Science and Management in Nepal is accepting book donations. If sending books, please note clearly on the shipment that the books are donated, and they do not have any commercial value for customs purposes. Please ship to the following address:
Kadambari Memorial College of Science and Management
Shram Marga, Budha Nagar,
New Baneswor , Kathmandu
Tel 9851004578, 9851025933
Misericordia University, Alvernia University, and the Nepal School of Social Work Collaborative: The Sahayogi Connections Project
Social Work Organizations
IASSW Statement Addressing the Earthquake in Nepal
IASSW Disaster Risk Reduction Training in Nepal
International Federation of Social Workers: Nepal: Social Workers at Frontline
Disaster management is a key topic area of the CSWE Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education, which offers numerous teaching materials, journal articles, and other resources addressing disaster and its aftermath.
Journal of Social Work in Disability & Rehabilitation
Disaster Management and Social Work: Asian Pacific Experiences in Recovery and Rehabilitation – Volume 1, Double Issue 1-2, 2013
Access at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/wswd20/12/1-2
We also welcome any information from CSWE members on how their programs are addressing the earthquake in Nepal. Please send information to kaki@cswe.org.
The pictures below were taken in Bhaktapur, Nepal, by Raj K. Yadav, a PhD social work student from the University of Newcastle (Australia).