2011–2012 Global Commission, Council on Global Learning, Council on External Relations, and Kendall Institute Participants
July 8, 2012
Preconference Workshop
Katherine A. Kendall Institute for International Social Work Education
Teaching and Training for Human Rights Practice
1:00 pm–3:30 pm (13:00–15:30)
K16/17 Stockholmsmässan
Lynne Healy
M. C. Terry Hokenstad
C. K. Law
Segei Zelenev
July 9, 2012
Bringing in a Gender Perspective to Emergency Response: Defining Women’s Specific Protection Needs—Jocelyn Clare R. Hermoso
Hear Our Words and Understand Our Needs: Burundian and Burmese Refugee Women Resettlement Experiences—DeBrenna LaFa Agbényiga
Decolonizing Strategies: Addressing Colonial and Social Work Legacies With Indigenous Populations—David Androff
Experiences of Groupwork for Action and Impact—Carol Cohen
Navigating the United States Refugee Resettlement System: An Analysis of Structure, Process and Outcome—Mary Rogge
Isolation or Engagement: Promoting Social Work Under Oppressive Regimes—Lynne Healy
Water, Pesticides, and Our Children’s Well-Being: International Initiatives and Opportunities—Mary Rogge
July 10, 2012
Childhood Asthma Impact Across the Lifespan: Social Development Goals and Policy Recommendations—Kathleen Woehrle
Rethinking Alliances Between Self Help Groups and Social Workers—Carol Cohen
University Community Engagement: Social Work in High Poverty Communities Within Developed Nations—Kathleen Woehrle
Language and Its Role in Advancing Human Rights—David Androff
Empowerment Through Social Media—Andrea Bediako
July 11, 2012
Katherine A. Kendall Memorial Lecture
Building Indigenous Social Work for Children in the Midst of Armed Conflict: The Afghan Experience—Martha Bragin and Eileen Ihrig
Voices Within: Exploring the Discourse of Gendered Violence in Ghana-DeBrenna LaFa Agbényiga
Incorporating Journalism to Social Work: A Partnership for Social Action—DeBrenna LaFa Agbényiga and Josephine Norward
The Six Continents Project: A Method for Linking Social Work Classrooms Across the World Through Asynchronous Video Uploading—Diana Rowan
Promoting A Gender Perspective to Peacemaking: A Policy Evaluation of UN 1325—Jocelyn Clare Hermoso and Carmen Sugawara
Teaching Human Rights in Social Work Education: Global Concepts and Local Applications—Lynne Healy and M. C. Terry Hokenstad
Sharon Pittman—Climate-Change-Induced Human Migration: The Necessity of Collective Global Action
Barbara Shank—Empowering Economic and Social Improvement Worldwide