Feminist Scholarship Awards
The CSWE Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education annually names feminist scholar and manuscript awardees (formerly feminist scholarship honoree and awardee) who have advanced feminist knowledge as it pertains to social work theory, research, practice, policy and education.
2014 Feminist Scholar Award Recipient: Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz
The 2014 Feminist Scholar Award winner is Noël Bridget Busch-Armendariz, PhD, LMSW, MPA. Dr. Busch-Armendariz has more than 20 years of experience working to end interpersonal violence. She is a professor and associate dean of social work research, director of the Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA), and the editor-in-chief of Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work. Her areas of specialization are domestic violence, sexual assault, refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, and international social work. She is regularly called as an expert witness in criminal, civil, and immigration cases and directs a national training on the topic. She is well published and has been recognized by her colleagues and students with many teaching awards and other recognitions.
2014 Feminist Manuscript Award Recipient: Elithet Silva-Martínez
The 2014 Feminist Manuscript Award winner is Elithet Silva-Martínez, PhD, MSW for her paper "Permítanme Hablar": Historias de Valentía de Latinas Migrantes Sobrevivientes de Violencia/"Allow Me to Speak": Histories of Bravery among Latina Survivors of Violence. This article presents the results of a critical ethnography conducted with Spanish-speaking Latinas in the Midwest of the USA. The goal of this study was to engage in an in-depth examination into the perceptions of Latinas who survived intimate partner violence regarding help-seeking, and to lay the groundwork for taking action to facilitate the empowerment of Latinas and their communities.
Previous Years Award Winners
The CSWE Council on the Role and Status of Women in Social Work Education annually names a feminist scholarship honoree and awardee who have advanced feminist knowledge as it pertains to social work theory, research, practice, policy and education. 2013 ...
In 2012, Jeane W. Anastas was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship as a social work leader, educator, and researcher. Mollie Lazar Charter was the Feminist Scholarship Award Winner for her paper, The Role of Stigma in Feminist Self-Identification Among Social Work Students.
In 2011, Iris Carlton-LaNey was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship as a social work educator and researcher...Anne C. Deepak was the Feminist Scholarship Award Winner for her paper, "Sustainability and Population Growth in the Context of Globalization: A Postcolonial Feminist Social Work Perspective."
In 2010, L. Diane Bernard was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship as a social work educator...Moshoula Capous-Desyllas was the Feminist Scholarship Award Winner for her paper entitled "Using Photovoice with Sex Workers as Art, Education, Empowerment, and Resistance."
In 2009 Deborah Valentine was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship through her work in child and family welfare...Susan Roll was the Feminist Scholarship Award Winner for her paper titled The Coping Strategies of Low Income Women Using Work Support Benefits From a Socialist Feminist Perspective.
In 2008 Ann Nichols-Casebolt, was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship through her work in.... Gretchen Cotrell was named Feminist Scholarship Awardee for her paper...
In 2007 Edith Lewis, was named the Feminist Scholarship Honoree for her contributions to feminist scholarship through her work in.... Karen Morgaine was named Feminist Scholarship Awardee for her paper...
2006 Feminist Scholarship Award Honoree: Cheryl Hyde Dr. Hyde is Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of Field and Continuing Education in the School of Social Administration at Temple University in Philadelphia. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1991. She has ...