Korean American Social Work Educators Association
2017-2018 KASWEA Activities
President (Elected, Term 2015-2018): Dr. Mingun Lee, Associate Professor (Ohio University)
Vice President: Dr. Intae Yoon, Associate Professor (North Carolina State University)
Secretary: Dr. Jeehoon Kim, Assistant Professor (Idaho State University)
Treasurers: Dr. Yi Jin Kim, Assistant Professor (University of Mississippi) and Sang Ah Chun, Doctoral Student, University at Albany (SUNY)
During the APM, the annual business meeting of KASWEA will be held at Sheraton Dallas Hotel, State Room 2, Conference Center, 3rd floor on Friday, October 20, 2017 at 4:30pm.
KASWEA is now seeking applications for 2017 Outstanding Dissertation and Dissertation Proposal Awards from doctoral students and nominations for Career and Lifetime Achievement Awards.
KASWEA will ask your supports again for 2017 fundraising. Your donation will help doctoral student’s research and travel to CSWE APM. Fundraising Committee (Chair: Dr. Yoon, Intae)
KASWEA Panel Presentation:
Creating Connectedness: A Grand Challenge for Korean American Community
Friday, October 20, 2017 at 2:00 pm at Sheraton Dallas Hotel San Antonio A, Conference Center, 3rd Floor
Presenters: Dr. Suk-hee Kim (Northern Kentucky University), Dr. Kwiryung K. Yun (Nyack College), Dr. Michin Hong (Indiana University)
KASWEA Partnership Session Presentation:
Grand challenges among Korean Americans in social work practice and research
Saturday, October 21, 2017 at 7:30am, Sheraton Dallas Hotel Dallas Ballroom A-2, Conference Center, 1st floor
Presenters: Dr. Tae Kuen Kim & Eun Kyung Lee(Adelphi University), Dr. Suk-hee Kim (Northern Kentucky University), Dr. Irang Kim (University of Georgia)