June 2014 COA Decisions
Council on Social Work Education - Commission on Accreditation
Notice of Accreditation Actions - June 2014
Accrediting agencies recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation are required to notify the public of the basis for final accreditation decisions. The Commission on Accreditation (COA) meets this requirement by publishing a notice of accreditation actions on its website after each Commission meeting. COA meetings take place three times a year, in February, June, and October/November.
The Commission on Accreditation (COA) took the following actions at its June 2014 meeting regarding the social work programs sponsored by the institutions listed below. Actions taken below are listed by decision category. Standards referenced in this report can be reviewed in our 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards.
Reaffirm Accreditation for 8 Years
The COA finds the program in compliance with all educational policy and accreditation standards and the program was granted continued accreditation for 8 years.
- Centenary College (NJ)
- Norfolk State University (VA)
- Union University (TN)
- Spalding University (KY)
- University of South Florida (FL)
- University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (TN)
- Western New England University (MA)
- Norfolk State University (VA)
- University of South Florida (FL)
Reaffirm Accreditation for 8 Years with a Progress Report
The COA finds the program in compliance with all educational policy and accreditation standards, but identifies one or more areas of concern that must be addressed in a progress report. The program was granted continued accreditation for 8 years, with a progress report to be submitted within 1 year.
- Bradley University (IL), based on Resources
- Concordia University (OR), based on Faculty
- Hawai'i Pacific University (HI), based on Curriculum and Assessment
- Monmouth University (NJ), based on Field Education, Administrative Structure, Resources, and Assessment
- Ohio University (OH), based on Field Education, Diversity, Student Participation, Faculty, and Administrative Structure
- Slippery Rock University (PA), based on Field Education
- University of Rio Grande (OH), based on Curriculum and Field Education
- University of the District of Columbia (DC), based on Assessment
- University of Southern Mississippi (MS), based on Assessment
- Hawai'i Pacific University (HI), based on Assessment
- Ohio University (OH), based on Curriculum, Diversity, Admissions, Faculty, and Administrative Structure
- Spalding University (KY), based on Field Education
- University of St. Francis (IL), based on Diversity and Faculty
- University of Southern Mississippi (MS), based on Admissions, Faculty, and Assessment
Defer a Decision on Reaffirmation of Accreditation to the Next Meeting and Request Clarifying Information
The COA decides to defer a decision when the program’s documentation is insufficient to make a decision. A deferral is for one meeting only. Before the next commission meeting the program is expected to submit the documentation or clarification necessary for the COA to make a decision.
- Oglala Lakota College (SD), based on Assessment
Place on Conditional Accredited Status
The COA finds the program out of compliance with one or more educational policy and/or accreditation standard and places it on conditional accredited status if it believes that noncompliance issues can be resolved by the program within 1 year. The COA’s letter identifies specific areas of noncompliance. Conditional status is an adverse decision, and programs may request reconsideration. If the program accepts the COA’s decision, it submits a restoration report. Programs remain accredited while on Conditional Accredited Status.
- Seton Hill University (PA), based on Administrative Structure
- Monmouth University (NJ), based on Faculty
Restore Accredited Status
A program on Conditional Accredited Status submitted a restoration report to have full accreditation restored. The COA review of the program's restoration report finds that the program has taken corrective action and is in compliance with all standards. The program's accredited status is restored until its next accreditation cycle.
- Morehead State University (KY)
Grant Candidacy Status
The COA finds that the program is in compliance with Benchmark I and grants the program candidacy status. The decision letter instructs the program to prepare Benchmark II in preparation for its Commissioner Visit II.
- Universidad Central de Bayamon (PR)
- California State University, San Marcos (CA)
- Troy University (AL)
- Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Arecibo (PR)
Defer Decision on Candidacy and Request Clarifying Information
The COA decides to defer a decision when the program’s documentation is insufficient to make a decision. A deferral is for one meeting only. Before the next commission meeting the program is expected to submit the documentation or clarification necessary for the COA to make a decision.
- Brandman University (CA), based on Mission and Goals
Grant a Second Year of Candidacy
The COA finds that the program is in compliance with Benchmark II and grants the program a second year in candidacy. The decision letter instructs the program to prepare Benchmark III in preparation for its Commissioner Visit III.
- East Stroudsburg University (PA)
- West Liberty University (WV)
Defer Decision on Second Year of Candidacy and Request Clarifying Information
The COA decides to defer a decision when the program’s documentation is insufficient to make a decision. A deferral is for one meeting only. Before the next commission meeting the program is expected to submit the documentation or clarification necessary for the COA to make a decision.
- Texas Christian University (TX), based on Assessment
Grant a Third Year of Candidacy
The COA finds that the program is in compliance with Benchmark III and grants the program a third year in candidacy. The decision letter instructs the program to prepare Benchmark IV in preparation for its Commissioner Visit IV.
- Universidad del Este (PR)
Defer Decision on Third Year of Candidacy and Request Clarifying Information
The COA decides to defer a decision when the program’s documentation is insufficient to make a decision. A deferral is for one meeting only. Before the next commission meeting the program is expected to submit the documentation or clarification necessary for the COA to make a decision.
- North Central University (MN), based on Faculty
Grant Initial Accreditation for 4 Years
The COA finds the program in compliance with all accreditation standards and educational policy and grants accreditation for 4 years.
- Virginia Wesleyan College (VA)
Grant Initial Accreditation for 4 Years with a Progress Report to be Reviewed by the COA
The COA finds the program in compliance with all educational policy and accreditation standards, but identifies one or more areas of concern that must be addressed in a progress report that the COA will review. The COA’s letter identifies specific areas of concern and a due date for the progress report.
- Judson College (AL), based on Admissions and Assessment
- Lincoln University (MO), based on Field Education and Assessment
- Simmons College (MA), based on Assessment
- Southwest Baptist University (MO), based on Assessment
- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (WI), based on Field Education and Advisement, Retention, and Termination
- Utah Valley University (UT), based on Assessment
- California State University, Monterey Bay (CA), based on Administrative Structure and Assessment
- Greater Miami Valley MSW Collaborative (OH), based on Field Education and Assessment
Accept First Progress Report
All areas of concern were addressed in the progress report, and no further action by the program is required.
- Bethel University (MN)
- Delaware State University (DE)
- South Carolina State University (SC)
- University of Wisconsin-River Falls (WI)
- Fordham University (NY)
- Simmons College (MA)
Receive First Progress Report and Request a Second Progress Report
COA finds that one or more of the concerns in the first progress report are still areas of concern and requests a second progress report to be submitted within 1 year. The COA’ s letter identifies specific areas of concern and a due date for the progress report. If the second progress report is not accepted, the program is automatically placed on conditional accreditation.
- Loras College (IA), based on Assessment
- Our Lady of the Lake University (TX), based on Assessment
- Pittsburg State University (KS), based on Faculty and Assessment
- Delaware State University (DE), based on Administrative Structure
- Kean University (NJ), based on Faculty, Administrative Structure, Resources, and Assessment
- Our Lady of the Lake University (TX), based on Assessment
Accept Second Progress Report
All areas of concern were addressed in the progress report, and no further action by the program is required.
- Colorado State University-Pueblo (CO)
- Rust College (MS)
Issue a Letter of Instructions to the Site Visitor(s)
A Letter of Instructions is provided to the site visitor(s) and program specifying Accreditation Standards which the visitor is instructed to address.
- Albany State University (GA)
- Campbell University (NC)
- Chatham University (PA)
- Illinois State University (IL)
- Loyola University Chicago (IL)
- Oakland University (MI)
- Philander Smith College (AR)
- St. Cloud State University (MN)
- Temple University (PA)
- University of Louisville (KY)
- University of Northern Iowa (IA)
- University of Texas-Pan American (TX)
- Wheelock College (MA)
- California State University, Dominguez Hills (CA)
- California State University, Fullerton (CA)
- DePaul University (IL)
- Illinois State University (IL)
- Loyola University Chicago (IL)
- Newman University (KS)
- St. Cloud State University (MN)
- Temple University (PA)
- University of Northern Iowa (IA)
- University of Texas-Pan American (TX)
- Wheelock College (MA)