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Council on Publications

The function of the Council on Publications is two-fold: (1) to serve as the policy-making body with respect to publications; and (2) to serve as an editorial board in acquiring publications ideas and assessing the viability of publication proposals.


It is the mission of the Council on Publications to develop and implement policy, procedures, and practices that advance the creation and dissemination of knowledge and resources that further excellence in social work professional education. Toward that end, it is the mission of the Council on Publications to:

  1. Oversee policy formation for the Journal of Social Work Education
  2. Oversee policy formation for the selection of CSWE Press books and other publications
  3. Review and implement a mission statement as to the foci of publications of CSWE
  4. Communicate with CSWE councils and commissions to identify the foci of texts and other educational materials that will further social work education and then seek to facilitate the creation and publication of such educational materials

The Council on Publications is one of three councils in the Commission on Membership and Professional Development.