Charge From the Board of Directors
The Commission on Research's mission is to advance rigor, relevance, and high ethical standards in the teaching and conduct of research related to social work education. Toward that end, the Commission on Research shall provide leadership in establishing key research priorities for improving social work education, in promoting the scholarship of teaching and learning within social work education, as well as in specifically promoting quality in research curricula across methods and paradigms in BSW, MSW, and doctoral education. The commission is concerned with advocating for research supported policies, practices, and programs within CSWE, helping to build relevant databases that promote innovation in social work education, and with strengthening the connections between social work education-related research and social justice. It will complete its mission in partnership and collaboration with sibling commissions, councils, and task forces within CSWE as well as other social work professional organizations committed to excellence in the science of social work.
Commission Activities
Teaching Research Methods: A Bibliography for Social Workers
In 2016–2017, the Commission on Research members compiled a bibliography (PDF) on teaching research methods as a resource for faculty.
A report (PDF) on the commission's activities during 2020-2021 was submitted to the CSWE Board of Directors in March, 2021.